Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

 Water Quality within the Tigris and Euphrates Catchments


Nasrat Adamo , Nadhir Al-Ansari, , Sadeq AlJawad

Members in agriculture and irrigation committee in Iraqi forum for intellectuals and academies

With Varoujan K. Sissakian , Jan Laue and Sven Knutsson


Euphrates and Tigris Rivers are the longest two rivers in southwest Asia. The Basins of these rivers cover an area of 917 103 km2 which is occupied by about 46 million inhabitants. Four countries (Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria) share the basin area of the Tigris River and the other four (Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia) share the catchment area of the Euphrates River. The flow of the two rivers is decreasing with time due to construction of dams in the upstream part of the basins and climate change. This has impacted the water quality of the two rivers. Iraq is highly affected followed by Syria. The salinity of Tigris Rivers has become alarming downstream Baghdad while the Euphrates water quality deteriorates before entering the Iraqi border. To overcome water quality deterioration, international, regional and national cooperation is required to reach prudent planning for water resources management of the two basins

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